What does UWC Ireland do?
UWC offers life-defining experiences for young people through awarding scholarships to United World Colleges around the world.
UWC Ireland is part of the global network of National Committees associated with the United World College movement. The UWC Ireland National Committee itself has two goals, as registered with the Charities Regulator in Ireland:
To advance the United World College mission within the Republic of Ireland. This mission is to make education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future.
To award scholarship places to motivated and talented Irish second-level students, aged between 16 and 18 years old, to represent Ireland at these schools.
On a practical level, UWC Ireland volunteers promote the UWC movement by organising events, sharing the message on social, liaising with press and conducting school visits with alumni.
When it comes to awarding scholarship places, UWC Ireland runs a competitive Selections process once a year to identify and nominate strong candidates who have the potential to both grow and learn from a UWC experience, as well as contribute to the wider UWC community, while at their schools and when they return from them.
You can find out more details about what scholarships we offer and how to apply here.